Bedtime Turmeric Milk

Serves : 1

Cooking Time : 5 mins

There are lots of versions of this yummy drink online. If you Google the health benefits of tumeric there are claims that it can cure everything from heart disease, to Alzheimers to cancer. The claims stop just short of it bringing about World Peace! I think people have perhaps got a little carried away. However, it is a deliciously calming and warming nighttime drink. Why not give it a try as a way to wind down on a winter evening and get an early night?

I’ve played around with different versions, and this is my best shot – with the criteria that it won’t take very long so I can get into bed with it asap 😉

On an evening I’m really trying to unwind I might do a fancier version with grated fresh turmeric and cinnamon sticks and use the grating and cooking time as an unwind in itself.


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1 mug of milk of choice (I use Oatly Barista which is wonderfully creamy and doesn’t curdle)

½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon of ground turmeric
¼ teaspoon of nutmeg
2-3 cardamon pods or ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom
1-2 teaspoons of organic honey


Pop everything in a small pan and warm gently, whisking as it cooks to mix ingredients together. It’s ready when steam starts to rise, don’t bring to the boil. Pour into a mug through a small sieve / strainer. Hop into bed, turn off your mobile phone and tuck into a good book.