


The fresh and green season of spring is an expression of life at its strongest. I’m just back from a brisk spring walk and along the way spotted sapling branches growing with vigour, bending and adapting to their surroundings to try to maximise the light. I saw the strength and vigour of the fern shoots as they pushed their way straight-backed towards the sun. And I spotted the determination of a weedy dandelion as it managed to push through solid concrete in order to grow.

I find that spring is also a time of great hope and benevolence. I love that every year nature gives us a chance to have another go, to approach things afresh, to begin again. It is the season of rebirth and of youth as young animals are born, bulbs and buds appear and nature renews itself once more.

If we have taken nature’s advice and rested and regenerated during the winter season we will also feel a sense of being ready for new things – ready to approach a new project with enthusiasm, to let go of old thoughts, to give that cupboard a good spring clean (we’ve just completed a major spring clean of our garage and it feels embarrassingly satisfying to walk in to a clean organised space!).

This season should give us a clear vision, an ability to plant the seeds of plans and ideas that we can reap in the months to come. Our energy and enthusiasm for growth should feel almost infectious!

If we are out of balance in this season and in this element we can struggle to ‘see the wood for the trees’, we can feel a lack of hope and vision for our future and this can lead to feelings of anger and frustration. We can also feel inflexible (mentally and physically) and find changes to plans very challenging. All these are signs that we need to realign ourselves with our Spring energy. I’ve listed a few Spring aligning tips here that are a good place to start.

So enjoy these warmer days, the blessing of more light and the chance to ‘begin again’!


Enjoy the shift in the day light and let the morning sun drag you out the door for an early morning walk. Follow the example of the animals around you and get more active outside, feel the energy of the plants and animals as they busy themselves with renewed life. Enjoy the beauty of the new buds, see if you can spot a few birds nests.

Plant some seeds. You don’t need acres of space – we used to live in an apartment with a small balcony and managed to grow beans, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce and herbs each year. This seed planting is now a yearly ritual in our house and one that the kids really look forward to.

The Chinese associated the colour green with spring and, in our part of the world at least, you can see why. The last few weeks of rain have meant that everything is lush with the new buds and leaves of the season. So now is a good time to eat your greens! Spinach, broccoli and lettuce are all coming in to season. Hiroi’s Broccoli Salad on the recipes page is a delicious place to start.

The Wood element is associated with our ligaments and tendons. Start easing out those creaky bones, do some yoga, stretch and move more. If you work at a desk set a reminder on your phone every hour to get up and move around.

Nature begins again every spring and we can do the same. This is a great time to clean out a cupboard, streamline your wardrobe, let go of things you no longer need to make way for the new. We can also try to take a step back and look at our relationships and circumstances with fresh eyes. How can you begin again ?