Oat & Yoghurt Bread

Serves : 10

Cooking Time : 40 mins

This is a super fast and delicious loaf of bread. Great with a bowl of soup topped with a smidge of unsalted butter.


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1 x 250g tub of natural yoghurt
2 x the same size tub of oats
1 tbsp of sunflower oil
a handful of sunflower seeds
1 tbsp of milled chia seeds
2 level tsp of bread soda
a pinch of sea salt


Preheat oven to 180-190 degrees. Line a 2 lb loaf tin.

Empty your tub of yoghurt into a large bowl

Use the same tub to measure out 2 tubs of oats and add to the bowl

Sprinkle the bread soda and sunflower & chia seeds in and give a good mix. I find a small spatula great for this.

Add in your sunflower oil and mix again until all combined.

Spoon mixture into you lined tin and level off the top. You can sprinkle with sesame seeds if you like.

Pop in the oven for 40 minutes. You might need to play around with the timings and temperatures a bit depending on your oven. Some ovens I’ve found it works better to reduce temperature by 20 degrees after 20 minutes to avoid burning, others don’t need this.

Once cooked, turn off oven, remove from tin and liner and pop back in the cooling oven for as long as you can – this gives a nice crust.

You can also play around with ingredients once you know the basic consistency needed for the final mix. I sometimes make a banana bread version with ½ a tub of yoghurt and ½ a tub of mashed bananas and a handful of raisins. I’ve also tried with a soya yoghurt and banana which also works fairly well as a vegan version.